Knife and Fork Bakery loaves taste great, I haven't had one I didn't like yet, yes, it is very pricey and I can't afford to eat it every day, but I buy when I can.
The first time I purchased, I was a little disappointed as, like others, I hoped/expected it would be like regular bread, it is not and I've not found any gluten free loaf that comes near the artisan bread I used to eat before I had to give up gluten.
So put aside that expectation, so far, all gluten free artisan bread that I've tried, has been dense and hard by comparison, excluding supermarket bread, which is blown up and stuffed with additives. Try this with an open mind and concentrate on the crunchy toast it makes and on the flavours.
I love the sourdough toasted with cheese, all of this bread, in my opinion is better toasted, I don't like it fresh at all, I'm afraid I still prefer the supermarket stuff for a sandwich. You can't beat it for toast though, the flavours are really good, especially the Christmas loaf, that's wonderful, it toasts lovely and pairs really nicely with my homemade whisky marmalade. Cinnamon date is wonderful too, I like that with a little fig jam, yum! They're not too sweet either, that's another issue with supermarket breads, always sugar in it, whether sweet or savoury and the sweet ones are sickly.
Lastly, don't try and slice these loaves thin, it's inclined to crumble, some more than others. I like mine quite thick and two small, but chunky slices, make me a great breakfast. It all freezes great and lasts me for months. I was supposed to review the rosemary focaccia, but that has enough 5 star reviews, it doesn't need another one!